Jessica zoekt een Appartement / Studio / Kamer in Tilburg

Jessica zoekt: Een Appartement / Studio / Kamer in Tilburg

  • Appartement / Studio / Kamer
  • Min. 12 m2
  • Vrouw
  • 12 Per direct

I am a 28 years old, mexican girl that likes to travel, meet new people and culture.
I Lived one year in Madrid when I was in university and now I will move to Tilburg to
start my master in business analytics.

I am a responsible, honest, organized and clean person; I enjoy spending time with my friends but also I value everyone's personal space and put efforts into creating a relaxed and comfy house atmosphere.

In my free time I like to do exercise or watch a movie.

Algemene informatie: Jessica
  Vrouw, 29 jaar
Type huurder: Student
  1e jaars Master in bussines analytics (HBO)