Lora zoekt een Kamer in Tilburg

Lora zoekt: Een Kamer in Tilburg

  • Kamer
  • Min. 8 m2
  • Vrouw
  • 19 Per direct

My name is Lora Boneva and my email is l.p.boneva@gmail.com. I am a really social, fun-loving and responsible second year IBA student from Bulgaria, age 20. I am looking for a cosy room with cool roommates with whom I can share my passion for cooking, music and tv series. I love hanging out with friends and meeting new people, however, I do respect other people's personal space as we all need some alone time sometimes.

Algemene informatie: Lora
  Vrouw, 24 jaar
Type huurder: Student
  2e jaars International business administration (UNIVERSITEIT)